• Client-Focused

    We believe that every person is unique, with distinct goals, abilities, and challenges. That's why we've made it our mission to tailor our approach to each individual, providing a truly personalized fitness journey that delivers results.

  • Boutique Gym

    Reframe Fitness is an exclusive, private gym that allows you to reach your goals in an uninterrupted and motivating environment. The facility is meticulously cleaned and outfitted with top of the line equipment to ensure your health and safety.

  • Expert Trainers

    Our trainers are not just instructors; they’re your partners on this journey. Approachable and passionate, they possess a wealth of knowledge and a deep understanding of fitness and wellness.

Our Locations

What Makes Us Different

  • In the past decade of working with clients just like you, our team of certified trainers have learned invaluable strategies when it comes to getting results.

    Our goal is to show you how to apply these exact strategies.

    Based on science.

    Learned through experience.

    Proven by RESULTS.

  • Our approach isn't about pushing you to your limits and leaving you exhausted and broken down; it's about building momentum towards your goals.

    We aim for each session to be a positive, empowering experience that leaves you excited to progress to each stage of your program.

    At Reframe Fitness, you'll come to realize that the path to a healthier you is not only achievable, but enjoyable as well.

  • We prioritizes sustainable, long-term health over quick fixes.

    Our nutrition program excels because it goes beyond just meal plans.

    You will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to manage weight, improve health, build strength, and foster a positive relationship with food.

    These are skills that will last you a lifetime.

  • Our support extends far beyond your in-person training sessions.

    Our custom training app elevates the training experience by tracking your progress in real time, offering off day workouts, providing nutritional guidance, and access to your trainer right at your fingertips.


Our Certifications

Get The ReFrame Fitness App

With the Reframe Fitness App, you will have access to workout programs designed specifically to help you reach your fitness and health goals! You can follow & track your workouts, your nutrition, your lifestyle habits, measurements and results–all with the help of your coach.